Çerez Örnek
canlı destek

Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture

Department of Vısual Communıcation 

Industry Partners Board


Erhan Gölbey  Dev Ajans

Murat Nalçakan  Fikir Medya

Yusuf Saygı  İzmir Sinema Kültür ve Eğitim Derneği

Talat Alkan  Muse VR

Deniz Sipahi  Hürriyet Aegean Region Representative

Emrah Doğru  GMK Executive Board Member - Ba'ndo Design Agency Founder

Özge Mardi Founder of Videmy.com, Art Directive, Member of GMK

Dokuz Eylül Uni. Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Graphic Design

Ege Uni. Faculty of Communication Department of Public Relations and Publicity

Ege Uni. Faculty of Communication Department of Journalism

Mikail Erdem Biçici Freelance Designer

Akın Zayim Freelance Designer


Ege Üniversitesi