Çerez Örnek

Memory Room Design and Audio-Visual Identity Design

A cooperation protocol titled “Memory Room Design and Audio-Visual Identity Design” is signed between our Faculty and the Amphibious Marine Infantry Brigade Command. 
The Amphibious Marine Infantry Brigade, the only unit of the Turkish Armed Forces operating simultaneously on land and at sea, was established in 1966 under the Turkish Naval Forces. Its main field of activity is amphibious operations, and it takes part in active tasks in areas such as humanitarian aid, peace support, and evacuation of civilians in line with national and international needs. With this protocol, our faculty supports the design works of the Memorial Rooms in the Command Center regarding their national and international activities, especially in the 1974 Cyprus Peace Operation, in which the Amphibious Marine Infantry Brigade Command took part.
Also, aiming to inform the public and to raise awareness, photographs, letters, etc. in the Memory Rooms, our faculty contributes to the digitization of visual inventories. In addition, by vocalizing the letters written during the Cyprus Peace Operation; the presence of these vocalizations and visual inventories, a video film was prepared to be displayed in the Memory Room.



Ege Üniversitesi